Monday, February 10, 2014

Melancholic Monday

It's Monday. 

Sometimes on Mondays while I'm trying to get into the groove of the week, I have that same feeling I get when I'm a hard time getting out of bed. I'm thinking, "I don't want to talk. I don't want anyone to talk to me."

So I spent my morning (after Holy Hour) drinking tea and listening to "Indie Singers/Songwriters" on Pandora while addressing envelopes. Hence, Melancholic Monday.

And my roommate (Helen) sent me funny snapchats to make me laugh.

Over the weekend I made some fun paper stars. And hung them in my room and in the kitchen. I think homemade crafty stuff makes the apartment feel more like home. 

See those sweet Gone With the Wind figurines on my dresser? My sweet staff mentor (we're actually friends, not just mentor/mentee) got me those because I was reading Gone With the Wind last semester. 

I'm actually reading it again. Because it's just so awesome. 

This morning I walked out the door to go to Holy Hour and saw this:

We have some amazing parishioners (members of our local church community (parish)) who make me feel like Georgia is my home. Before this was a Valentine's Day themed scene, it was a scarecrow with pumpkins (again, a surprise one morning). 

The best way to deal with Melancholic Monday?
A list of things I'm thankful for.

1. I'm thankful for the opportunity to pray in front of Jesus in the Eucharist (more in a later post)
2. I'm thankful to pray with my friends, teammates, and roommates 5 days a week
3. I'm thankful for funny snapchats
4. I'm thankful for my fun roommates who constantly inspire me
5. I'm thankful for surprise decorations. 

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