Monday, February 24, 2014

Late Photos...

This is what my life looked like two weeks ago...

the end.

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

A couple weeks ago there was a big storm and we lost power... Last week as I was walking to campus I saw this. Yikes! There were lots of trees down all over, which meant power was out all over.

Last week was awesome. The weather was finally what I was hoping it'd be. It feels like late spring! It even got up to 80 one day last week. Last night I slept with my window open, and as I woke to the sounds of trucks working. I was like, "Wow, it feels like spring!" I can't believe it's still February and feeling this great. Thank you, Jesus for Georgia.

Since the weather was awesome, I spent a lot of time on campus hanging out this week. One day we saw a guy set up a slackline... and we were intrigued. We tried it...

Jess jumped on it first. She's very adventurous.

Amanda gave it her best.
Brittany was the best out of all of us.
I could barely get a leg on it, much less stand up!

On Saturday I went to Dance Marathon, a fundraiser for Children's Miracle Network, and I got to hang out with these ladies. 

And, to top it all off, the sunsets here are beautiful.

Monday, February 17, 2014

St. Cyril and St. Methodius

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's also the feast day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius. They were Greeks who went to Czechoslovkia. They were missionaries, priests, and what's even cooler? They were brothers. They truly became "all things to all people" by learning the Slovak language.

This week has been a weird one. Southern had two "snow" days. There was no snow, but we did lose power (rain turns into ice on the pine trees, turns into pine trees falling).


I've been working on this post since Friday (it's now Monday).

Where did the week and weekend go?

It went to working on our newsletters in the dining hall on Valentine's Day. I rocked out to Carly Simon and addressed envelopes for two hours (and ate dining hall food). It was great.

Friday morning we woke up to extra decorations outside. And some presents including a notes about how a parishioner was praying that we would experience God's love in a deeper way this Valentine's Day.

Friday night my group of friends had dinner at our house. We have some good cooks in our midst, so dinner in is always great. And our table looked beautiful.

Saturday I had lunch with a student and then my roommate, Jess, had friends come in town! Her 8 awesome friends came for someone's birthday. We went to Savannah for mass, dinner, and ice cream. (They stayed for dancing, but I came home with Helen and the guys). It was great!

I had plenty of photos, but my internet is being wonky, so I'll upload them later.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Melancholic Monday

It's Monday. 

Sometimes on Mondays while I'm trying to get into the groove of the week, I have that same feeling I get when I'm a hard time getting out of bed. I'm thinking, "I don't want to talk. I don't want anyone to talk to me."

So I spent my morning (after Holy Hour) drinking tea and listening to "Indie Singers/Songwriters" on Pandora while addressing envelopes. Hence, Melancholic Monday.

And my roommate (Helen) sent me funny snapchats to make me laugh.

Over the weekend I made some fun paper stars. And hung them in my room and in the kitchen. I think homemade crafty stuff makes the apartment feel more like home. 

See those sweet Gone With the Wind figurines on my dresser? My sweet staff mentor (we're actually friends, not just mentor/mentee) got me those because I was reading Gone With the Wind last semester. 

I'm actually reading it again. Because it's just so awesome. 

This morning I walked out the door to go to Holy Hour and saw this:

We have some amazing parishioners (members of our local church community (parish)) who make me feel like Georgia is my home. Before this was a Valentine's Day themed scene, it was a scarecrow with pumpkins (again, a surprise one morning). 

The best way to deal with Melancholic Monday?
A list of things I'm thankful for.

1. I'm thankful for the opportunity to pray in front of Jesus in the Eucharist (more in a later post)
2. I'm thankful to pray with my friends, teammates, and roommates 5 days a week
3. I'm thankful for funny snapchats
4. I'm thankful for my fun roommates who constantly inspire me
5. I'm thankful for surprise decorations. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Springy Saturday

This week I got to do some fun things!

Like take Brittany out for her birthday lunch

We went to 40 East, which my roommate had been suggesting for a long time. I had a crab cake sandwich, sweet tea, and some sweet potato fries. I love southern food!!

The other night I came home to my roommate, Helen watching a move (Helen loves movies). There was a part where someone jumped out and I jumped and screamed. I was holding my laptop, too, so I wish I could've seen myself. 

Today I spent the day cleaning. The team had been out of town the last two weekends, so I am so happy to get to stay at home today. And with 50 degree days, I was ready for some spring cleaning. I worked on the kitchen (even wiped down some walls), dining room, living room, and my bedroom. My roommate, Jess took care of the bathrooms, laundry room, and vacuuming. Then we worked out.

My friend Stephanie (one of the women I mentor/disciple) came over and gave me a guitar lesson! (I got a guitar for Christmas). Now I have something to practice. 

Jess and I grocery shopped. 

It's been a great day. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Update Update.

Last week I did something crazy.

I deleted my Facebook. And my Twitter.

And I'm not telling you to brag (...maybe I am). I'm just putting that out there so I'm more accountable to not jumping back on the Facebook train. I love(d) Facebook because of its simplicity in posting short updates, pictures, and letting me keep track of my family. I don't love Facebook because I find myself comparing my life to everyone else's and being dissatisfied with all the gifts God has given me. I realize that's not actually Facebook's fault. It's actually mostly mine, but in prayer it became clear that I was only fooling my self in attempts of moderation in terms of Facebook.

Which brings me here. I still want to update people, and hopefully post some pictures/stories, mostly about the mission.

I'm hoping to update this blog more frequently with my thoughts on life, being an intentional disciple of Jesus, missionary work, and basically whatever I want.

Welcome! :)

And here is a story:

At the beginning of the year I met a student named Margaret. She is a senior and she swims for Georgia Southern. She leads a Bible Study with her swim team. We've become good friends by sharing common interests like baking and pursuing a relationship with Jesus. Every Wednesday we wear wolf shirts. Here is us last week:

Every day last semester Margaret and one of her girls prayed together in the chapel. LIKE EVERYDAY. This girl is legit!