Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's a new year, yo.

Once upon a time I had a blog.

Once upon a time I was really bad at updating it.

SO maybe I'll catch you up to speed in a later post.

But here are some thoughts on the new year.

I really like making goals. And I like the idea of change. At the same time, I usually feel pretty overwhelmed when I need to make changes in my life. I think I always get scared of failure--I'm a perfectionist, so sometimes I just tend to avoid tasks instead of doing them and getting less-than-perfect results.

I debated as to whether or not I should make some goals for 2014... I feel like I have the same goals every year...because every year I don't accomplish them. If I'm realistic with myself, though, I can see some areas where it's time for a change. So, here they are!


1. Fight for prayer. [this year my teammate, Jess, challenged the rest of the team to fight for prayer while we were home over Thanksgiving. Basically, prayer can be difficult! The last place the evil spirit wants us to be is in communication with God, and sometimes we really have to fight our schedules and even good desires to spend time with people in order to be refreshed by God's grace and equipped to do the work He is asking of us that day]

  • pray Holy Hour and Rosary everyday.
  • pray in morning if it's a busy day
  • do an examination of conscience every night before bed.
2. Get healthy. [this year, Jesus has really placed it on my heart that I need to take my health more seriously. From having multiple trips to the doctor's office to realizing how out of shape I'm in, I've been convicted that I need to take my health more seriously!]
  • gym 3x week
  • lots of water
  • brush teeth 2x daily
3. Keep it simple. [This past semester I've seen myself get really distracted and stressed out over everyday life. This is a goal to help me focus on what's really important and to live a more simple, intentional life]
  • clean room before bed
  • no electronics after 10:30p
  • schedule Sacred Time (work less)
  • use cash when possible

So, that's it! That's what I'm aiming for this year!