Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Lessons

Living in SWFL (that's Southwest Florida) wasn't necessarily my favorite thing. Can I just be real? The mission was really.hard.

But it was really good.

I thought I was going to LOVE living in Florida, but it turns out that I really love the people I grew up around-small town, down-to-earth, hard-working, good people. Not that there aren't any nice people in Florida--I just think they get more focused on what's going on in their own lives. Plus living in retirement/tourist land is just different.

Anyway. Here are lessons and things I learned about myself living in SWFL:

-Some people love the South more than they love the United States
-I really like having at least 2 beach towels when I go to the beach.
-It's really nice not having to scrape your windshield all year long.
-I'm interested in all-natural, organic, paleo, etc stuff. And I never, ever thought I would be.
-Sometimes I crave anonymity.
-I NEED to take time off, even when I don't feel like it
-we always get to choose to follow the Lord's plans. He never forces me to do anything. 
-Sunglasses are just so necessary and I don't know how I ever lived without them.
-Crafts are really good for my sanity.
-I like to learn.
-I really don't need to drink coffee to function.
-I like cooking for people.
-I really really love my job.
-Goodbyes are always hard. Sometimes I think they get easier. I don't think they do, though. They're easier in the sense that I know I'll see people again. I know that God is so good that He just lets me bump into amazing people, so it's not that that is hard. But when I say goodbye to my friends, I mourn all the beautiful things I'll be missing over the next weeks/months in their lives. And that is always hard.
-Jesus takes care of me, and usually in ways I never thought He would.
-I would love to have all my friends in the same place... but I'm pretty sure that's called Heaven, so I'm just going to be patient for that.